The Ultrasounds 10 Year Collage


Sounds Like Home VIII

Stream our set from the Current’s ongoing virtual festival, Sounds Like Home. And just in time to talk about our 10 years as a band and do a few songs off each of our 3 recorded EPs. We’re joined by Jaxon Gardner, JayGee, Jessica Vines, Guytano, Corey Medina & Brothers, Fires of Denmark, Jae Havoc, The Slamming Doors, Good Night Gold Dust, and Rich Mattson and the Northstars.

Posters & Advertising Attempts

You can book a show. But if you don’t tell anyone it’s happening then no one is going to show up. Whether you’re paying Mark Zuckerberg for sponsored ads or plastering those flyers all over town, the good ol’ fashioned way—you’d better do something, bud.

Big Things & Important Monuments

There are things in this world that are bigger than ourselves. You’ll be humbled and awe-stricken just to experience them. And when you identify that and actually find these things—you take a picture next to them.

I Want My Ultrasounds TV

America demands The Ultrasounds. But no cable network or television platform was willing to put it all on the line to bring their doomy, yet fun music and lifestyle to you. Well…now that’s all changed. We present to you—The Ultrasounds doing stuff on video!

Friends, Fans & Freaks

These are the people, most of which are weirdos, that support and align themselves with The Ultrasounds. Maybe you’re a band that played with us. Maybe you’re a crazed fanatic that drew our likeness very favorably. Maybe you’re just related to someone in the band and obligated to come to our shows. Either way, we salute you.

Ladies Rooms & Todd’s Toilets

Being on the road the last 10 years, we’ve seen our share of restroom facilities. And most of the places we play usually share a certain sensibility there. It seems that often, the worse off the bathroom situation, the better the show. Here are some mirror selfies and potty pics for your viewing pleasure!

Uh Oh! It’s #MalortFace

On the label you may read, “Jeppson Malört has the aroma and full-bodied flavor of an unusual botanical. Its bitter taste is savored by two-fisted drinkers.” But this cannot prepare you for what’s to come next or help you understand what it is you are about to do. We just want to see your Malört face.

Dat Tour Life Tho

This life provides many paths. Some enter the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to what only few will find. We just book a tour and use GPS to figure out where the hell we’re going though.

The Band, Venues & Questionable Dives

Here are the members of The Ultrasounds and the places they have been. The journey has been long, full of both great success and immense loss. But if at the end we can say, we rocked many faces and acquired a couple drink tickets—it will have all been worth it.